
A. Environmental Microbiology Level-1 Beginner (15 Days)


  1. Orientation Program, General Introduction To Microbiology Lab

  2. Introduction To Good Laboratory Practices And General Safety Instructions

  3. Introduction To Quality Assurance & Quality Control

  4. Introduction About Iso, Nabl, Bis, Other Certifications/ Acrreditations

  5. Instrumentation: Autoclave, Laminar Air Flow System, Incubator/ Shaker, Hot Air Oven, Microscope And Other Instruments

  6. General Laboratory Calculations

  7. Media & Reagent Preparation And Its Sterilization

  8. Sample & Sterile Area Preparation

  9. Total Microbial Count/ Total Vible Count

  10. Total Bacterial Count

  11. Total Fungal Count 

  12. Detection Of Pathogens Like Salmonella, Shigella, E.Coli, S. Aureus From Water/Soil/sludge Sample

  13. Isolation And Screening Of Microorganisms

  14. Confirmation Of Isolates Using Staining & Biochemical Test Methods

  15. Final Report Submission & Certifications We Will Provide You


     B.  Environmental Microbiology Level-2 Intermediate (30 Days)


  1. Orientation Program, General Introduction to Microbiology Lab

  2. Introduction to Good Laboratory Practices and General Safety Instructions

  3. Introduction to Quality Assurance & Quality Control

  4. Introduction to ISO, NABL, BIS, & Other certifications/ Accreditations

  5. Instrumentation: Autoclave, Laminar Air Flow System, Incubator/ Shaker, Hot Air Oven, Microscope and Other Instruments

  6. General Laboratory Calculations

  7. Media & Reagent Preparation and Its Sterilization

  8. Sample & Sterile Area Preparation 

  9. Total Microbial Count/ Total Viable Count

  10. Total Bacterial Count

  11. Total Fungal Count

  12. Detection, Identification & Confirmation of Salmonella from Sludge/waste Water/Soil/Swab samples

  13. Detection, Identification & Confirmation of Shigella from Sludge/waste Water/Soil/Swab samples

  14. Detection, Identification & Confirmation of E. coli from Sludge/ waste Water/Soil/Swab samples

  15. Detection, Identification & Confirmation of S. aureus from Sludge/waste Water/Soil/Swab samples

  16. Detection, Identification & Confirmation of Coliforms  from Sludge/waste Water/Soil/Swab Samples

  17. Final Report Submission & Certifications We Will Provide You


     C.  Environmental Microbiology Level-3 Advanced (60 days/2 Months)


  1. Level-1 Complete

  2. Level-2 Complete

  3. Detailed training on ISO, NABL, BIS & Other certifications/ Accreditations

  4. Detailed training on Quality Assurance & Quality Control

  5. Detailed training on Records & Documentations in Microbiology Lab

  6. Health and safety: This includes training on health and safety practices in the microbiology laboratory, including biohazard precautions, personal protective equipment, and waste disposal.

  7. Sanitization procedure in Microbiology lab

  8. Entry & Exit Procedure in Microbiology lab

  9. Additional Microbiological parameters testing other than level 1 &2  including V. cholera, V. Parahaemolyticus, Listeria, Enterobacteriaceae, Pseudomonas, F. Streptococci, Sulphite reducing clostridia etc.

  10. Detection of Pathogens by MPN Method & MPN Calculations

  11. Microbial limits testing: This includes training on the methods used to determine the total number of microorganisms present in Sludge/waste Water/Soil/Swab

  12. Final Report Submission & Certifications We Will Provide You


     D.  Environmental Microbiology Level-4 More Advanced (90 days/ 3 Months)


  1. Level-1 Complete

  2. Level-2 Complete

  3. Level-3 Complete

  4. Introduction to Microbiology and Food Safety

  5. Hygiene and Sanitation in Microbiology Lab

  6. Cross-contamination prevention

  7. Environmental Monitoring

  8. Sampling and testing of the production environment for microbial contamination

  9. Interpretation of results and corrective actions

  10. Quality assurance and control practices

  11. Product-Specific Microbiology

  12. Microbiology of different environmental sample including Sludge/waste Water/Soil/Swab

  13. Product-specific testing methods and regulations

  14. Interpretation of results and corrective actions

  15. Investigation of out-of-specification results

  16. Verification and documentation practices

  17. Final Report Submission & Certifications We Will Provide You


 E.  Environmental Microbiology Level-5 Job Oriented (180 days/ 6 Months)


  1. Level 1 +2+3+4 complete

  2. All testing parameters in depth training

  3. Detailed training on all standard test methods 

  4. Training on All essential laboratory practices

  5. Training on 5s System for smooth workflow 

  6. Instruments Calibrations

  7. Method verification & validation

  8. SOPs & STPs Preparation & Implementation

  9. NABL, BIS, ISO etc. Documentations

  10. Uncertainty Measurement

  11. Sample Handling & Analysis

  12. Media & Reagent stock management & 

  13. Guidance on how to find right media & chemicals for your need

  14. Test report preparation

  15. Test result interpretation

  16. Analysts validation procedure

  17. Growth promotion test

  18. Environmental monitoring

  19. Daily, monthly, weekly records

  20. Keeping sample records

  21. & More!

  22. Job QNAs

  23. On Completion of training We Will Provide You a Certificate of training


 F.  Environmental Microbiology Level-6 Job Experience Oriented ( 1 Year)


  1. In Initial 6 months, you will be provided all training included in Level-5 (6months) 

  2. Remaining 6 months, you will practice & experience all the training knowledge you gained in initial 6 months

  3. As this is Job Experience Oriented program, on the completion of your training program, we will provide you with a “1 year experience letter” of our Laboratory so that you can start the journey of your professional career.